image credit: Fox News 7. Arizona.
Today in, Here's Your Chance To Be An Amazing Human: Terminally ill Arizona teen Jacob Priestley needs you.
Jacob has mitochondrial disease, an illness that drains him of his energy and is slowly shutting down parts of his body. And he wants 100,000 birthday cards.
Jacob doesn't want cards because he wants to be celebrated; he wants them because he wants to raise awareness for a disease that affects folks all around the world.
Jacob's 15th birthday is August 28th, which means you better get to Target ASAP.
Here's Jacob's PO box:
Jacob Priestly
P.O. Box 855
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Even as he is dying, Jacob is a better human than most people.
And if you have the means, why not make a donation to the United Mitochondirial Disease Foundation, too?
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